Young Person Award

This award is presented to a young person, under 18 years of age, who is already making a difference to others, whether through volunteering, caring or helping others in any other way.

PCH Young Person Award

Young Person Award 2024 Winner

The Young Person Award for 2024 has been awarded to Braiden Gardner from Worcester. 

Braiden’s story is remarkable; in April 2023 when Braiden was just nine years old, he was playing outside with his then 12 year old brother Riley.  Riley was swinging on a rope from a tree when his neck suddenly became entangled and he quickly lost consciousness.  

Riley was playing with a group of friends on a rope swing. Riley accidentally hung himself. A friend alerted Braiden, who was playing nearby before they came and got his mum.  

Braiden quickly ran to where Riley was. Riley was unconscious and Braiden managed to remove the rope from around Riley’s neck, by the time his mum got there Riley was still unconscious but on the floor.  

I am so very proud of what he did and the huge bravery he showed.

Mum Beki recalls the moment Braiden saved his brother’s life; she said: “Riley was effectively hanging; he was unresponsive.  Braiden showed such courage and bravery and quickly sprang into action, incredible for one so young.  He removed the rope and lifted him down, and when the police and air ambulance arrived he answered all their questions about what had happened. I am so very proud of what he did and the huge bravery he showed.  I am humbled that he acted in such a calm and measured way; he saved his brother’s life.” 

Braiden’s quick thinking of running to Riley and removing the rope saved his life. 30 seconds longer, Riley would not be here now. This award is a fantastic way to thank Braiden and want to give him the recognition he deserves. It was an horrific accident, but without their hero son saving the day, Riley would not be here! 

Read Braiden's full story here.

Thanks to our Sponsor



Dodd Group logo

Our Community Heroes Awards are made possible due to the generous support of our sponsors, and we would like to thank the Dodd Group for sponsoring our Young Persons Award.

Dodd Group is a family-owned business providing electrical, mechanical and building fabric services to commercial and domestic properties nationwide. Our services include designs, installations, maintenance and repairs across a broad range of building types and assets. Caring passionately for the local communities we serve, we adapt working our practices to reflect the evolving needs of our customers and clients, ensuring we apply a personable, proactive, and professional approach.

While working with local councils, housing associations and private property managers, we strive to develop strong partnerships via various strategies and methodologies. We believe collaboration with clients drives innovation, reduces costs, implements continuous improvement, and streamlines response to key challenges/issues.

Visit their website here




Make your nominations now for the 2025 Awards

Do you know someone, or a group who bring others and their community together? Why not nominate them for the Community Heroes Awards 2025 and give them the recognition they deserve! 

Community Heroes Awards Nomination Form

Please tell us the name of the person or group that you're nominating.  (Don't forget that they need to be aware and agree to you nominating them for an award.)
Which category do they deserve credit for? (you can select more than one)
Please tell us what they’ve done and why they deserve recognition
Nominee Area
Which area do they live in?
What is the name of the village, town or city where they live?
Platform Customer

Is the person you are nominating a Platform customer?

How do you know the person you’re nominating?

I confirm that the person or group that I am nominating are happy to be nominated and have agreed that I can share their contact details.