Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide is produced when fuels such as gas, oil, coal and wood do not burn fully.

The most common causes of accidental exposure to carbon monoxide are incorrectly installed, poorly maintained or poorly ventilated household appliances, for example cookers, heaters and central heating boilers.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that has no smell or taste. Breathing it in can make you unwell, and it can kill if you are exposed to high levels.
What we are doing to keep you safe:
To keep you safe in your home, we undertake regular safety checks such as heating servicing and electrical tests.
We will ensure homes that are fitted with fossil fuel-burning appliances such as gas and oil boilers, and solid fuel-burning appliances (but not cookers) are fitted with a carbon monoxide detector.
Where fitted, we will carry out a check of your carbon monoxide detector during your heating service. Defective alarms will be replaced.
We will respond to reports of a carbon monoxide alarm activation as an emergency. A gas engineer will attend to assess the situation to ensure that you and your family remain safe within your home.
What you can do to assist and to keep yourself safe:
Regularly test your Carbon Monoxide detector – Test your detector at least once a month by pushing the device’s test button. If the alarm doesn’t sound it is possible the batteries need to be replaced.
Do not damage, relocate or remove carbon monoxide detectors from your property – they are there for your safety and can save you and your family’s lives.
Do not cover vents in your property, especially in windows and the room where your appliance is located, they are there to ensure effective ventilation to prevent build-up of fumes.
Keep it clean - dust and dirt can build up on the surface reducing its effectiveness, dust it and wipe it with a moist cloth regularly. Please do not use cleaning goods and chemicals because they can harm the device.
Report issues or activations promptly - If your alarm bleeps intermittently this may indicate a battery low fault or an alarm memory fault, which needs attention. The carbon detectors are sealed units so please report issues promptly on 0333 200 7304 and allow us to investigate.
Let us know of any changes to your circumstances - If you have a change in personal circumstances that you feel will impact your ability to hear or respond to an alarm, let us know! We can assist with further assessments to ensure that you remain safe in your home.
Click here for A guide to carbon monoxide and smoke detectors