Change or Cancel a Repair

If you need to change or cancel a repair please contact us and let us know.

If you need to change a repair's appointment booked for today or within the next 4 days please call our contact centre 0333 200 7304 and select option 1, then option 2 for the contact centre.

Electrician working on a socket

Change or Cancel a Repair

For all appointments outside of the 4 day period please use this form and one of our team will be in touch with further details where applicable.

(this can be found in text messages/emails regarding the job and on the Your Platform portal)
Date and time of original appointment
I accept
To process your application, Platform Housing need to collect, use, and retain information. We are also keen to hear about your experience and the benefit the support has provided and may contact you for your feedback.

I understand the information I provide will be managed in accordance with Data protection legislation and the Platform Housing privacy notice which is available on our website

I understand in some circumstances it may be necessary for Platform Housing to share my contact details which may include, name, address, email address and telephone number with suppliers and/or other organisations to support my application. Platform Housing will notify me if my personal data needs to be shared and with who.

I declare that all of the information I have given is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I will inform Platform Housing of any change which may affect this application. I understand that giving false information will result in Platform Housing Group taking steps to prevent approval of any future applications made.

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