Criminal Behaviour
If you are aware of criminal behaviour in your area, the information below will help you know what to do

This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the Police immediately (999). You must also let them know if you’re concerned about your safety.
1. Report it to the Police
Remember to note down the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, you’ll need this later.
If the incident involved a Platform resident or took place on Platform land you need to:
2. Let us know
You can report the incident using this form. Once we have the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, we can make contact with the police and work with them regarding the incident.
3. Next Steps
We’ll maintain contact with you throughout the investigation process.
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the Police immediately (101). You must also let them know if you’re concerned about your safety.
This is a crime, that is motivated by prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds.
1. Report it to the Police
Remember to note down the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, you’ll need this later.
Was the incident involving a Platform resident or take place on Platform land?
2. Let us know
You can report this by using this form. Now we have the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, we can contact the police and work with them regarding the incident.
3. Next Steps
We’ll maintain contact with you throughout the investigation process.
You can also report Hate Crime Online.
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to the Police immediately (999). You must also let them know if you’re concerned about your safety.
1. Report it to the Police
Remember to note down the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, you’ll need this later.
If the incident involved a Platform resident or took place on Platform land you need to:
2. Let us know
You can report the incident using this form. Now we have the incident number and the Police Officer’s name, we can contact the police and work with them regarding the incident.
3. Next Steps
We’ll maintain contact with you throughout the investigation process.
Domestic Violence or Abuse is a criminal offence. If you or a friend or neighbour are victim of or witness to domestic abuse, we encourage you to speak to the Police (101 or 999) as well as reporting it to us. In the case when anyone is at immediate danger of harm, please ring 999.
If you are in need of support there are a number of agencies which are able to support you, including:
- National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
- The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327
- The Mix, free information and support for under 25s in the UK – 0808 808 4994
- National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428
- Samaritans (24/7 service) – 116 123
- There are also a range of services available at Rights of Women Advice Lines
You can report Domestic Abuse here