Customer Involvement Award

The Customer Involvement Award is presented to a registered involved customer, who is helping Platform to improve services and make sure that our customers voice is heard.

Customer Involvement Award

Customer Involvement Award Winner 2024

Our Customer Involvement Award winner for 2024 is Les Barrett from Shard End, Birmingham.

Retired Les has been helping customers at retirement housing schemes Sandham Grange and Robertson Knoll with their digital skills; he has gone above and beyond and, not content with developing their IT skills alone, he has shown a genuine passion and real interest in nurturing confidence.

Les explained: “I’ve been helping customers out once a week for the past year.  I absolutely love helping out in my local community and now I am retired, giving something back has become really important to me.  We’ve had some lovely success stories; I organised for a gentleman’s computer to be rebuilt as he just couldn’t get it to work and he is still overjoyed when I see him!”

Les uses a course called ‘Learn My Way’ which takes attendees through each step; his approach has resulted in those attending learning the basics without feeling inadequate.

Read more about Les's story here.

Thanks to our Sponsor


Red block background with the word Capsticks in white lettering


Our Community Heroes Awards are made possible due to the generous support of our sponsors, and we would like to thank Capsticks LLP for sponsoring the Customer Involvement Award for 2024. 

We aim to be the firm of choice for organisations who work to make a difference and help them deliver services to their communities. With over 40 years’ experience across the full range of legal services, we deliver solutions that reflect the unique pressures our clients face. Like the organisations we represent, making a positive impact on people's lives is important to us, and the work we do means just that, speaking up for fairness and inclusion; and treating all clients, employees and stakeholders with kindness and respect.

View their website here. 



Make your nominations now for the 2025 Awards

Do you know someone, or a group who bring others and their community together? Why not nominate them for the Community Heroes Awards 2025 and give them the recognition they deserve! 

Community Heroes Awards Nomination Form

Please tell us the name of the person or group that you're nominating.  (Don't forget that they need to be aware and agree to you nominating them for an award.)
Which category do they deserve credit for? (you can select more than one)
Please tell us what they’ve done and why they deserve recognition
Nominee Area
Which area do they live in?
What is the name of the village, town or city where they live?
Platform Customer

Is the person you are nominating a Platform customer?

How do you know the person you’re nominating?

I confirm that the person or group that I am nominating are happy to be nominated and have agreed that I can share their contact details.