Hate Crime
What is Hate Crime
The Government defines hate crime as: “Hate crime is defined as any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic”. For information about how to report a hate crime to the police please click here.
Platform has a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime and discrimination. To report a hate crime to us please use this form.
The Group recognises the adverse effects hate crime has on our customers, communities and assets. The aim of our Hate Crime Policy 2022 is to ensure we minimise this by dealing with incidents effectively and that we meet regulatory and legal requirements. It is important that our neighbourhoods are safe and welcoming places and that we deliver services that are fair and transparent for all our customers.
The policy outlines the core commitments adopted by all members of Platform to prevent hate crime and to deal effectively with incidents should they occur.
We will meet all legal and regulatory requirements to ensure that our approach reflects best practice, and we are committed to working with all partners to prevent hate crime and to provide all victims of hate crime with a sensitive, appropriate service.
We will use all available powers and resources to deal effectively with perpetrators of hate crime or harassment, as well as to provide support to victims of hate crime.
What we will do
We will take the following actions to assist in the prevention of hate crime:
communicate with customers about their rights and responsibilities, emphasising the importance of allowing people to live peacefully in their homes and neighbourhoods and being a considerate neighbour;
raise awareness of hate crime among employees and residents;
support community development, community safety and regeneration initiatives, in partnership with local agencies that will support and strengthen local communities;
ensure that customer involvement arrangements are inclusive and contribute to the effective tackling of all forms of harassment and hate crime;
encourage and support victims to report incidents of hate crime;
challenge any attitudes and behaviours that foster hatred and prejudice, and encourage early intervention to reduce the risk of any incidents escalating; and
provide regular training and awareness for employees.
Incidents believed to be motivated by hatred or prejudice directed against any person or group of people based on any of the identifying factors will be classified as a high priority for investigation purposes, irrespective of the nature of the actual behaviour reported. Although the following is not an exhaustive list, incidents of hate crime may comprise, for example, one or more of the following:
physical attacks on people or property;
arson or attempted arson;
abusive or threatening language or behaviour; and
deliberate and targeted acts intended to deter residents from living in their home or to force them to leave.
Where appropriate, proportionate and evidence has been provided to support legal action. Platform will seek legal advice and consider taking legal action against the perpetrator(s) causing hate crime harassment. Action taken by Platform will be assessed on the seriousness of the case, the level of evidence provided, in accordance with The Anti- Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and any other relevant legislation.
We will seek to protect employees from all forms of abusive behaviour and will follow the appropriate procedures and measures involving harassment and intimidation.