Lifts and Stair Lifts
We have passenger lifts and stair lifts located communally within blocks and also within customer’s homes.
These lifts are essential for providing customers with access to their homes and in their homes.

What we will do to keep you safe:
We have a duty of care to ensure the lifting equipment is kept and maintained to a safe standard for use.
Carry out regular LOLER (Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment) inspections and servicing visits of our lifts and ensure any works identified during these checks are carried out promptly.
Respond promptly to reports of people becoming trapped in lifts.
Respond promptly to reports of issues affecting use and operation.
What you can do to assist and keep yourself safe:
- Follow the instructions that will be displayed on each individual lift.
- Please follow the weight restrictions that will be displayed.
- Promptly report issues or concerns affecting any lift.
- Allow access to our contractors to maintain lifting equipment.

We need your assistance:
Do you have a
stair lift
step lift or
through floor lift