Retirement Living
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Your search results
Showing 12 properties from 36 results
Social Rent
£478PCM Rent + £351 PCM Service Charge Storer Court Retirement Village - Geraldine Road, Malvern, WR14 3NT - For people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA
Retirement Living
£390PCM Rent + £242 PCM Service Charge Hoyle Court, Dagnall Gardens, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1EH- For people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA.
Retirement Living
£433Rent PCM + £420 Service Charge PCM Service Charge Buttsfield House, New Road. Bromyard. Herefordshire. HR7 4AD - For over 60+ or 55+ in receipt of DLA or PIP - RM
Retirement Living
£498PCM + £521 PCM Service Charge Service Charge Himbleton House, Himbleton Road, St John's, Worcester, WR2 6HS - Retirement Living Village – For people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA - RM
Retirement Living
£414PCM Rent + £313 PCM Service Charge Huntingdon Gardens, Market Harborough, LE16 9LE - Retirement Living Scheme - For people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA
Retirement Living
£450PCM Rent + £312 PCM Service Charge Service Charge Chantry House, Bromyard Road, St Johns, Worcester, WR2 5AX Retirement Living scheme for people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA - RM
Coming soon
£383 PCM Rent + £167 PCM Service Charge Elizabeth House, 2 Waterloo Way, LEICESTER, LE2 0QP - RM
Social Rent
£466PCM Rent + £399 PCM Service Charge Buttsfield House, New Road, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4AD - Retirement Living - For people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA
Social Rent
£411PCM Rent + £109 PCM Service Charges Service Charge St Catharines Terrace, Houghton On The Hill, Leicestershire, LE7 9GG - Ground Floor One Bedroom Apartment - For people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA
Social Rent
£1,050PCM + £103 PCM Service Charge Brooklands Gardens, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9HS - Retirement Living scheme for people aged 60+ or 55+ if in receipt of PIP/DLA
Retirement Living