
Supporting your wellbeing

3 June 2024
2 mins

The ongoing cost of living crisis continues to present financial challenges for everyone. To help you during these tough times we are delighted to confirm that Platform will be continuing to offer customers support throughout 2024-25 with our £1.25 million Wellbeing Fund.


Last year, our Wellbeing Fund supported 3,626 customers with essential food, clothing and energy vouchers, along with whitegoods, beds and digital and wellbeing support, as outline below:

wellbeing fund image for PR

Tracey submitted a Wellbeing Fund application on our website. A single parent with two children, she was really struggling with energy costs and moving from direct debit payments to pre-payment meters. Her payments had doubled since moving home and she was going without food to keep the meters topped up. 

Our Wellbeing Team assessed her application and an award was made to Tracey for food and energy. 

“It stopped me having to make the choice between food and heating and gave me some relief from financial stress.” explains Tracey. 

“The support I’ve received was more than I could have hoped for and I now might be able to buy my daughter a small present as the food and energy vouchers will provide us with a week’s worth of shopping and gas and electric.”


How can I apply?

If you are a Platform customer please visit our Wellbeing Fund page, linked below, to find out if you could be eligible for an award and to complete our online application form here: