Community Heroes Awards

Platform’s annual Community Heroes Awards recognise those unsung heroes who make a real difference, whether as an individual or as part of a community group. 

There are a range of awards up for grabs including, Going the Extra Mile, Young Person, Communities Together, Customer Involvement, Positive Change and Community Partnership.

Young girl with blond hair, dressed up in a superheros red cape and mask

Celebrate our Community Heroes for 2024

We have some fantastic winners for 2024, watch the video below and join us to celebrate their achievements.

Meet our Community Heroes Awards Sponsors

Our Community Heroes Awards are only possible due to the generous support of our sponsors.

You can find out more about these community organisations and the individual award(s) they have sponsored using the link below.

Read more
Gold Award Trophy on a black background

Nominate someone for our 2025 awards

Do you know someone, or an organisation who makes a real difference to their community? If you do make your nomination now and give them the recognition they deserve. 

There are six award categories that you can nominate your local hero for, as follows:

  • Community Partnership Award – An organisation who work in partnership with Platform to support our customers locally. 
  • Going the Extra Mile Award – Someone who goes above and beyond to help others. 
  • Young Person Award - A young person (up to 18) who is making a difference, whether through volunteering, fundraising, caring or acting as a positive voice. 
  • Communities Together Award – An individual or group of people who bring local communities together and make everyone feel included. 
  • Positive Change Award - Someone who has overcome personal challenges to make a positive difference in their own life, for others or the environment. 
  • Customer Involvement Award - Someone in a registered role with Platform helping to improve services. 


Whilst we would prefer your local hero to be a Platform customer, we will consider nominations for a Platform volunteer, who is not a customer or for groups which include Platform customers, as long as what they benefit people in our communities.

You will need to check that the person you would like to nominate is happy for you to go ahead, as we will want to share their story.

We’ll let you know and also contact the person or group. We’ll ask them to share their story and take an associated image for publicity.

A panel of judges will initially choose a shortlist. Final winners for each of the Award categories listed will be selected from the initial shortlist.

All Award winners will receive a trophy and voucher.

Community Heroes Awards Nomination Form

Please tell us the name of the person or group that you're nominating.  (Don't forget that they need to be aware and agree to you nominating them for an award.)
Which category do they deserve credit for? (you can select more than one)
Please tell us what they’ve done and why they deserve recognition
Nominee Area
Which area do they live in?
What is the name of the village, town or city where they live?
Platform Customer

Is the person you are nominating a Platform customer?

How do you know the person you’re nominating?

I confirm that the person or group that I am nominating are happy to be nominated and have agreed that I can share their contact details.